
For Windows, MacOSX, and Linux users, we recommend using Python’s package management system, pip, for installation. You can find EasyGraph on PyPI at this link.

Installation with pip

$ pip install Python-EasyGraph

The package is no longer under maintenance on conda. If you’ve previously installed EasyGraph with conda, please uninstall it with conda and reinstall with pip. If prebuilt EasyGraph wheels are not supported on your platform (OS / CPU arch, check here), you can build it locally as follows:

Example installation with conda

$ git clone && cd Easy-Graph && git checkout pybind11
$ pip install pybind11
$ python3 build_ext
$ python3 install


EasyGraph uses PyTorch (version 1.12.1 to below 2.0) for machine learning functions. Note that this does not prevent you from running non-machine learning functions if PyTorch is not installed in your environment. However, you will receive warnings indicating the unavailability of certain modules that depend on PyTorch.