Source code for easygraph.functions.basic.localassort

import easygraph as eg
import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse as sparse

__all__ = [

[docs]def localAssort( edgelist, node_attr, pr=np.arange(0.0, 1.0, 0.1), undir=True, missingValue=-1 ): """Calculate the multiscale assortativity. You must ensure that the node index and node attribute index start from 0 Parameters ---------- edgelist : array_like the network represented as an edge list, i.e., a E x 2 array of node pairs node_attr : array_like n length array of node attribute values pr : array, optional array of one minus restart probabilities for the random walk in calculating the personalised pagerank. The largest of these values determines the accuracy of the TotalRank vector max(pr) -> 1 is more accurate (default: [0, .1, .2, .3, .4, .5, .6, .7, .8, .9]) undir : bool, optional indicate if network is undirected (default: True) missingValue : int, optional token to indicate missing attribute values (default: -1) Returns ------- assortM : array_like n x len(pr) array of local assortativities, each column corresponds to a value of the input restart probabilities, pr. Note if only number of restart probabilties is greater than one (i.e., len(pr) > 1). assortT : array_like n length array of multiscale assortativities Z : array_like N length array of per-node confidence scores References ---------- For full details see [1]_ .. [1] Peel, L., Delvenne, J. C., & Lambiotte, R. (2018). "Multiscale mixing patterns in networks.' PNAS, 115(16), 4057-4062. """ # number of nodes n = len(node_attr) # number of nodes with complete attribute ncomp = (node_attr != missingValue).sum() # number of edges m = len(edgelist) # construct adjacency matrix and calculate degree sequence A, degree = createA(edgelist, n, undir) # construct diagonal inverse degree matrix D = sparse.diags(1.0 / degree, 0, format="csc") # construct transition matrix (row normalised adjacency matrix) W = D @ A # number of distinct node categories c = len(np.unique(node_attr)) if ncomp < n: c -= 1 # calculate node weights for how "complete" the # metadata is around the node Z = np.zeros(n) Z[node_attr == missingValue] = 1.0 Z = (W @ Z) / degree # indicator array if node has attribute data (or missing) hasAttribute = node_attr != missingValue # calculate global expected values values = np.ones(ncomp) yi = (hasAttribute).nonzero()[0] yj = node_attr[hasAttribute] Y = sparse.coo_matrix((values, (yi, yj)), shape=(n, c)).tocsc() eij_glob = np.array(Y.T @ (A @ Y).todense()) eij_glob /= np.sum(eij_glob) ab_glob = np.sum(eij_glob.sum(1) * eij_glob.sum(0)) # initialise outputs assortM = np.empty((n, len(pr))) assortT = np.empty(n) WY = (W @ Y).tocsc() for i in range(n): pis, ti, it = calculateRWRrange(W, i, pr, n) if len(pr) > 1: for ii, pri in enumerate(pr): pi = pis[:, ii] YPI = sparse.coo_matrix( ( pi[hasAttribute], (node_attr[hasAttribute], np.arange(n)[hasAttribute]), ), shape=(c, n), ).tocsr() trace_e = ( assortM[i, ii] = trace_e YPI = sparse.coo_matrix( (ti[hasAttribute], (node_attr[hasAttribute], np.arange(n)[hasAttribute])), shape=(c, n), ).tocsr() e_gh = (YPI @ WY).toarray() e_gh_sum = e_gh.sum() Z[i] = e_gh_sum e_gh /= e_gh_sum trace_e = e_gh.trace() assortT[i] = trace_e assortT -= ab_glob np.divide(assortT, 1.0 - ab_glob, out=assortT, where=ab_glob != 0) if len(pr) > 1: assortM -= ab_glob np.divide(assortM, 1.0 - ab_glob, out=assortM, where=ab_glob != 0) return assortM, assortT, Z return None, assortT, Z
def createA(E, n, undir=True): """Create adjacency matrix and degree sequence.""" if undir: G = eg.Graph() else: G = eg.DiGraph() G.add_nodes_from(range(n)) for e in E: G.add_edge(e[0], e[1]) A = eg.to_scipy_sparse_matrix(G) degree = np.array(A.sum(1)).flatten() return A, degree def calculateRWRrange(W, i, alphas, n, maxIter=1000): """ Calculate the personalised TotalRank and personalised PageRank vectors. Parameters ---------- W : array_like transition matrix (row normalised adjacency matrix) i : int index of the personalisation node alphas : array_like array of (1 - restart probabilties) n : int number of nodes in the network maxIter : int, optional maximum number of interations (default: 1000) Returns ------- pPageRank_all : array_like personalised PageRank for all input alpha values (only calculated if more than one alpha given as input, i.e., len(alphas) > 1) pTotalRank : array_like personalised TotalRank (personalised PageRank with alpha integrated out) it : int number of iterations References ---------- See [2]_ and [3]_ for further details. .. [2] Boldi, P. (2005). "TotalRank: Ranking without damping." In Special interest tracks and posters of the 14th international conference on World Wide Web (pp. 898-899). .. [3] Boldi, P., Santini, M., & Vigna, S. (2007). "A deeper investigation of PageRank as a function of the damping factor." In Dagstuhl Seminar Proceedings. Schloss Dagstuhl-Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik. """ alpha0 = alphas.max() WT = alpha0 * W.T diff = 1 it = 1 # initialise PageRank vectors pPageRank = np.zeros(n) pPageRank_all = np.zeros((n, len(alphas))) pPageRank[i] = 1 pPageRank_all[i, :] = 1 pPageRank_old = pPageRank.copy() pTotalRank = pPageRank.copy() oneminusalpha0 = 1 - alpha0 while diff > 1e-9: # calculate personalised PageRank via power iteration pPageRank = WT @ pPageRank pPageRank[i] += oneminusalpha0 # calculate difference in pPageRank from previous iteration delta_pPageRank = pPageRank - pPageRank_old # Eq. [S23] Ref. [1] pTotalRank += (delta_pPageRank) / ((it + 1) * (alpha0**it)) # only calculate personalised pageranks if more than one alpha if len(alphas) > 1: pPageRank_all += np.outer((delta_pPageRank), (alphas / alpha0) ** it) # calculate convergence criteria diff = np.sum((delta_pPageRank) ** 2) / n it += 1 if it > maxIter: print(i, "max iterations exceeded") diff = 0 pPageRank_old = pPageRank.copy() return pPageRank_all, pTotalRank, it