Source code for easygraph.functions.centrality.pagerank
import easygraph as eg
from easygraph.utils import *
__all__ = ["pagerank"]
def pagerank(G, alpha=0.85):
Returns the PageRank value of each node in G.
G : graph
Undirected graph will be considered as directed graph with two directed edges for each undirected edge.
alpha : float
The damping factor. Default is 0.85
import numpy as np
if len(G) == 0:
return {}
M = google_matrix(G, alpha=alpha)
# use numpy LAPACK solver
eigenvalues, eigenvectors = np.linalg.eig(M.T)
ind = np.argmax(eigenvalues)
# eigenvector of largest eigenvalue is at ind, normalized
largest = np.array(eigenvectors[:, ind]).flatten().real
norm = float(largest.sum())
return dict(zip(G, map(float, largest / norm)))
def google_matrix(G, alpha):
import numpy as np
M = eg.to_numpy_array(G)
N = len(G)
if N == 0:
return M
# Get dangling nodes(nodes with no out link)
dangling_nodes = np.where(M.sum(axis=1) == 0)[0]
dangling_weights = np.repeat(1.0 / N, N)
for node in dangling_nodes:
M[node] = dangling_weights
M /= M.sum(axis=1)[:, np.newaxis]
return alpha * M + (1 - alpha) * np.repeat(1.0 / N, N)