Source code for easygraph.functions.path.bridges

from itertools import chain

import easygraph as eg

from easygraph.utils.decorators import *

__all__ = ["bridges", "has_bridges"]

[docs]@not_implemented_for("multigraph") @only_implemented_for_UnDirected_graph def bridges(G, root=None): """Generate all bridges in a graph. A *bridge* in a graph is an edge whose removal causes the number of connected components of the graph to increase. Equivalently, a bridge is an edge that does not belong to any cycle. Parameters ---------- G : undirected graph root : node (optional) A node in the graph `G`. If specified, only the bridges in the connected component containing this node will be returned. Yields ------ e : edge An edge in the graph whose removal disconnects the graph (or causes the number of connected components to increase). Raises ------ NodeNotFound If `root` is not in the graph `G`. Examples -------- >>> list(eg.bridges(G)) [(9, 10)] Notes ----- This is an implementation of the algorithm described in _[1]. An edge is a bridge if and only if it is not contained in any chain. Chains are found using the :func:`chain_decomposition` function. Ignoring polylogarithmic factors, the worst-case time complexity is the same as the :func:`chain_decomposition` function, $O(m + n)$, where $n$ is the number of nodes in the graph and $m$ is the number of edges. References ---------- .. [1] """ chains = chain_decomposition(G, root=root) chain_edges = set(chain.from_iterable(chains)) for u, v, t in G.edges: if (u, v) not in chain_edges and (v, u) not in chain_edges: yield u, v
[docs]@not_implemented_for("multigraph") @only_implemented_for_UnDirected_graph def has_bridges(G, root=None): """Decide whether a graph has any bridges. A *bridge* in a graph is an edge whose removal causes the number of connected components of the graph to increase. Parameters ---------- G : undirected graph root : node (optional) A node in the graph `G`. If specified, only the bridges in the connected component containing this node will be considered. Returns ------- bool Whether the graph (or the connected component containing `root`) has any bridges. Raises ------ NodeNotFound If `root` is not in the graph `G`. Examples -------- >>> eg.has_bridges(G) True Notes ----- This implementation uses the :func:`easygraph.bridges` function, so it shares its worst-case time complexity, $O(m + n)$, ignoring polylogarithmic factors, where $n$ is the number of nodes in the graph and $m$ is the number of edges. """ try: next(bridges(G)) except StopIteration: return False else: return True
def chain_decomposition(G, root=None): def _dfs_cycle_forest(G, root=None): H = eg.DiGraph() nodes = [] for u, v, d in dfs_labeled_edges(G, source=root): if d == "forward": # `dfs_labeled_edges()` yields (root, root, 'forward') # if it is beginning the search on a new connected # component. if u == v: H.add_node(v, parent=None) nodes.append(v) else: H.add_node(v, parent=u) H.add_edge(v, u, nontree=False) nodes.append(v) # `dfs_labeled_edges` considers nontree edges in both # orientations, so we need to not add the edge if it its # other orientation has been added. elif d == "nontree" and v not in H[u]: H.add_edge(v, u, nontree=True) else: # Do nothing on 'reverse' edges; we only care about # forward and nontree edges. pass return H, nodes def _build_chain(G, u, v, visited): while v not in visited: yield u, v visited.add(v) u, v = v, G.nodes[v]["parent"] yield u, v H, nodes = _dfs_cycle_forest(G, root) visited = set() for u in nodes: visited.add(u) # For each nontree edge going out of node u... edges = [] for w, v, d in H.edges: if w == u and d["nontree"] == True: edges.append((w, v)) # edges = ((u, v) for u, v, d in H.out_edges(u, data="nontree") if d) for u, v in edges: # Create the cycle or cycle prefix starting with the # nontree edge. chain = list(_build_chain(H, u, v, visited)) yield chain def dfs_labeled_edges(G, source=None, depth_limit=None): if source is None: # edges for all components nodes = G else: # edges for components with source nodes = [source] visited = set() if depth_limit is None: depth_limit = len(G) for start in nodes: if start in visited: continue yield start, start, "forward" visited.add(start) stack = [(start, depth_limit, iter(G[start]))] while stack: parent, depth_now, children = stack[-1] try: child = next(children) if child in visited: yield parent, child, "nontree" else: yield parent, child, "forward" visited.add(child) if depth_now > 1: stack.append((child, depth_now - 1, iter(G[child]))) except StopIteration: stack.pop() if stack: yield stack[-1][0], parent, "reverse" yield start, start, "reverse"