from easygraph.utils import *
from easygraph.utils.decorators import *
__all__ = [
def Spfa(G, node, weight="weight"):
raise EasyGraphError("Please input GraphC or DiGraphC.")
def Dijkstra(G, node, weight="weight"):
"""Returns the length of paths from the certain node to remaining nodes
G : graph
weighted graph
node : int
result_dict : dict
the length of paths from the certain node to remaining nodes
Returns the length of paths from node 1 to remaining nodes
>>> Dijkstra(G,node=1,weight="weight")
return single_source_dijkstra(G, node, weight=weight)
def Floyd(G, weight="weight"):
"""Returns the length of paths from all nodes to remaining nodes
G : graph
weighted graph
result_dict : dict
the length of paths from all nodes to remaining nodes
Returns the length of paths from all nodes to remaining nodes
>>> Floyd(G,weight="weight")
adj = G.adj.copy()
result_dict = {}
for i in G:
result_dict[i] = {}
for i in G:
temp_key = adj[i].keys()
for j in G:
if j in temp_key:
result_dict[i][j] = adj[i][j].get(weight, 1)
result_dict[i][j] = float("inf")
if i == j:
result_dict[i][i] = 0
for k in G:
for i in G:
for j in G:
temp = result_dict[i][k] + result_dict[k][j]
if result_dict[i][j] > temp:
result_dict[i][j] = temp
return result_dict
def Prim(G, weight="weight"):
"""Returns the edges that make up the minimum spanning tree
G : graph
weighted graph
result_dict : dict
the edges that make up the minimum spanning tree
Returns the edges that make up the minimum spanning tree
>>> Prim(G,weight="weight")
adj = G.adj.copy()
result_dict = {}
for i in G:
result_dict[i] = {}
selected = []
candidate = []
for i in G:
if not selected:
while len(candidate):
start = None
end = None
min_weight = float("inf")
for i in selected:
for j in candidate:
if i in G and j in G[i] and adj[i][j].get(weight, 1) < min_weight:
start = i
end = j
min_weight = adj[i][j].get(weight, 1)
if start != None and end != None:
result_dict[start][end] = min_weight
return result_dict
def Kruskal(G, weight="weight"):
"""Returns the edges that make up the minimum spanning tree
G : graph
weighted graph
result_dict : dict
the edges that make up the minimum spanning tree
Returns the edges that make up the minimum spanning tree
>>> Kruskal(G,weight="weight")
adj = G.adj.copy()
result_dict = {}
edge_list = []
for i in G:
result_dict[i] = {}
for i in G:
for j in G[i]:
wt = adj[i][j].get(weight, 1)
edge_list.append([i, j, wt])
edge_list.sort(key=lambda a: a[2])
group = [[i] for i in G]
for edge in edge_list:
for i in range(len(group)):
if edge[0] in group[i]:
m = i
if edge[1] in group[i]:
n = i
if m != n:
result_dict[edge[0]][edge[1]] = edge[2]
group[m] = group[m] + group[n]
group[n] = []
return result_dict
def single_source_bfs(G, source, target=None):
nextlevel = {source: 0}
return dict(_single_source_bfs(G.adj, nextlevel, target=target))
def _single_source_bfs(adj, firstlevel, target=None):
seen = {}
level = 0
nextlevel = firstlevel
while nextlevel:
thislevel = nextlevel
nextlevel = {}
for v in thislevel:
if v not in seen:
seen[v] = level
yield (v, level)
if v == target:
level += 1
del seen
def single_source_dijkstra(G, source, weight="weight", target=None):
return multi_source_dijkstra(G, {source}, weight, target=target)
def multi_source_dijkstra(G, sources, weight="weight", target=None):
return _dijkstra_multisource(G, sources, weight, target=target)
def _dijkstra_multisource(G, sources, weight="weight", target=None):
from heapq import heappop
from heapq import heappush
push = heappush
pop = heappop
adj = G.adj
dist = {}
seen = {}
from itertools import count
c = count()
Q = []
for source in sources:
seen[source] = 0
push(Q, (0, next(c), source))
while Q:
(d, _, v) = pop(Q)
if v in dist:
dist[v] = d
if v == target:
for u in adj[v]:
cost = adj[v][u].get(weight, 1)
vu_dist = dist[v] + cost
if u in dist:
if vu_dist < dist[u]:
raise ValueError("Contradictory paths found:", "negative weights?")
elif u not in seen or vu_dist < seen[u]:
seen[u] = vu_dist
push(Q, (vu_dist, next(c), u))
return dist