Scripts and guides for generating documentation for EasyGraph

Repository: easygraph-doc-source


Clone these repositories and put them inside the same directory:

REPOS=('Easy-Graph' '' 'easygraph-doc-source')
for i in "${REPOS[@]}"; do
    echo "Cloning: $i"
    git clone "$i"

Update rst files

Edit manually created rst files

Go to easygraph-doc-source/docs_using_sphinx, and hand-edit / remove / add any rst files outside of reference.

Generate rst files from docstrings as references

cd easygraph-doc-source/docs_using_sphinx
make gen-rst
# generated rst files in reference dir

Build HTML from rst files

  • Install dependencies in requirements.txt.

  • Run make html. The updated pages locate in ./_build/html.

Deploy to

  • Sync all the files under ./_build/html to repository

cd easygraph-doc-source
make sync-doc-pub-repo
  • Push the changes of these two repository to their remotes


Reference built but not correctly displayed on the website

  • Check the toctree of reference.rst, you may need to manually update the section to reflect the built references.