easygraph.functions.drawing package


easygraph.functions.drawing.defaults module

easygraph.functions.drawing.defaults.default_bipartite_size(num_u: int, num_v: int, e_list: List[tuple], u_size: float | list = 1.0, u_line_width: float | list = 1.0, v_size: float | list = 1.0, v_line_width: float | list = 1.0, e_line_width: float | list = 1.0, u_font_size: float = 1.0, v_font_size: float = 1.0)[source]
easygraph.functions.drawing.defaults.default_bipartite_strength(num_u: int, num_v: int, e_list: List[tuple], push_u_strength: float = 1.0, push_v_strength: float = 1.0, push_e_strength: float = 1.0, pull_e_strength: float = 1.0, pull_u_center_strength: float = 1.0, pull_v_center_strength: float = 1.0)[source]
easygraph.functions.drawing.defaults.default_bipartite_style(num_u: int, num_v: int, num_e: int, u_color: str | list = 'm', v_color: str | list = 'r', e_color: str | list = 'gray', e_fill_color: str | list = 'whitesmoke')[source]
easygraph.functions.drawing.defaults.default_hypergraph_strength(num_v: int, e_list: List[tuple], push_v_strength: float = 1.0, push_e_strength: float = 1.0, pull_e_strength: float = 1.0, pull_center_strength: float = 1.0)[source]
easygraph.functions.drawing.defaults.default_hypergraph_style(num_v: int, num_e: int, v_color: str | list = 'r', e_color: str | list = 'gray', e_fill_color: str | list = 'whitesmoke')[source]
easygraph.functions.drawing.defaults.default_size(num_v: int, e_list: List[tuple], v_size: float | list = 1.0, v_line_width: float | list = 1.0, e_line_width: float | list = 1.0, font_size: float = 1.0)[source]
easygraph.functions.drawing.defaults.default_strength(num_v: int, e_list: List[tuple], push_v_strength: float = 1.0, push_e_strength: float = 1.0, pull_e_strength: float = 1.0, pull_center_strength: float = 1.0)[source]
easygraph.functions.drawing.defaults.default_style(num_v: int, num_e: int, v_color: str | list = 'r', e_color: str | list = 'gray', e_fill_color: str | list = 'whitesmoke')[source]
easygraph.functions.drawing.defaults.fill_color(custom_color: str | list | None, default_color: Any, length: int)[source]
easygraph.functions.drawing.defaults.fill_sizes(custom_scales: float | list | None, default_value: Any, length: int)[source]
easygraph.functions.drawing.defaults.fill_strength(custom_scale: float | None, default_value: float)[source]

easygraph.functions.drawing.drawing module

easygraph.functions.drawing.drawing.draw_SHS_center(G, SHS, rate=1, style='side')[source]

Draw the graph whose the SH Spanners are in the center, with random layout.

  • G (graph) – A easygraph graph.

  • SHS (list) – The SH Spanners in graph G.

  • rate (float) – The proportion of visible points and edges to the total

  • style (string) – “side”- the label is next to the dot “center”- the label is in the center of the dot


graph – the graph whose the SH Spanners are in the center.

Return type:


easygraph.functions.drawing.drawing.draw_SHS_center_kk(G, SHS, rate=1, style='side')[source]

Draw the graph whose the SH Spanners are in the center, with a Kamada-Kawai force-directed layout.

  • G (graph) – A easygraph graph.

  • SHS (list) – The SH Spanners in graph G.

  • rate (float) – The proportion of visible points and edges to the total

  • style (string) – “side”- the label is next to the dot “center”- the label is in the center of the dot


graph – the graph whose the SH Spanners are in the center.

Return type:


easygraph.functions.drawing.drawing.draw_hypergraph(hg: Hypergraph, e_style: str = 'circle', v_label: List[str] | None = None, v_size: float | list = 1.0, v_color: str | list = 'r', v_line_width: str | list = 1.0, e_color: str | list = 'gray', e_fill_color: str | list = 'whitesmoke', e_line_width: str | list = 1.0, font_size: float = 1.0, font_family: str = 'sans-serif', push_v_strength: float = 1.0, push_e_strength: float = 1.0, pull_e_strength: float = 1.0, pull_center_strength: float = 1.0)[source]

Draw the hypergraph structure.

  • hg (eg.Hypergraph) – The EasyGraph’s hypergraph object.

  • e_style (str) – The style of hyperedges. The available styles are only 'circle'. Defaults to 'circle'.

  • v_label (list) – The labels of vertices. Defaults to None.

  • v_size (float or list) – The size of vertices. Defaults to 1.0.

  • v_color (str or list) – The color of vertices. Defaults to 'r'.

  • v_line_width (float or list) – The line width of vertices. Defaults to 1.0.

  • e_color (str or list) –

    The color of hyperedges. Defaults to 'gray'.

  • e_fill_color (str or list) –

    The fill color of hyperedges. Defaults to 'whitesmoke'.

  • e_line_width (float or list) – The line width of hyperedges. Defaults to 1.0.

  • font_size (float) – The font size of labels. Defaults to 1.0.

  • font_family (str) – The font family of labels. Defaults to 'sans-serif'.

  • push_v_strength (float) – The strength of pushing vertices. Defaults to 1.0.

  • push_e_strength (float) – The strength of pushing hyperedges. Defaults to 1.0.

  • pull_e_strength (float) – The strength of pulling hyperedges. Defaults to 1.0.

  • pull_center_strength (float) – The strength of pulling vertices to the center. Defaults to 1.0.

easygraph.functions.drawing.drawing.draw_kamada_kawai(G, rate=1, style='side')[source]

Draw the graph G with a Kamada-Kawai force-directed layout.

  • G (graph) – A easygraph graph

  • rate (float) – The proportion of visible points and edges to the total

  • style (string) – “side”- the label is next to the dot “center”- the label is in the center of the dot

easygraph.functions.drawing.geometry module

easygraph.functions.drawing.geometry.common_tangent_radian(r1, r2, d)[source]
easygraph.functions.drawing.geometry.polar_position(r, theta, start_point)[source]
easygraph.functions.drawing.geometry.radian_from_atan(x, y)[source]

easygraph.functions.drawing.layout module

easygraph.functions.drawing.layout.force_layout(num_v: int, e_list: List[tuple], push_v_strength: float, push_e_strength: float, pull_e_strength: float, pull_center_strength: float)[source]

easygraph.functions.drawing.plot module

easygraph.functions.drawing.plot.plot_Betweenness_Centrality(G, SHS)[source]

Returns the CDF curves of “Betweenness Centralitys” of SH spanners and ordinary users in graph G.

  • G (graph) – A easygraph graph.

  • SHS (list) – The SH Spanners in graph G.


plt – the CDF curves of “Betweenness Centrality” of SH spanners and ordinary users in graph G.

Return type:

CDF curves

easygraph.functions.drawing.plot.plot_Connected_Communities(G, SHS)[source]

Returns the CDF curves of “Number of Connected Communities” of SH spanners and ordinary users in graph G.

  • G (graph) – A easygraph graph.

  • SHS (list) – The SH Spanners in graph G.


plt – the CDF curves of “Number of Connected Communities” of SH spanners and ordinary users in graph G.

Return type:

CDF curves

easygraph.functions.drawing.plot.plot_Followers(G, SHS)[source]

Returns the CDF curves of “Number of Followers” of SH spanners and ordinary users in graph G.

  • G (graph) – A easygraph graph.

  • SHS (list) – The SH Spanners in graph G.


plt – the CDF curves of “Number of Followers” of SH spanners and ordinary users in graph G.

Return type:

CDF curves

easygraph.functions.drawing.plot.plot_Neighborhood_Followers(G, SHS)[source]

Returns the CDF curves of “Arg. Number of Followers of the Neighborhood Users” of SH spanners and ordinary users in graph G.

  • G (graph) – A easygraph graph.

  • SHS (list) – The SH Spanners in graph G.


plt – the CDF curves of “Arg. Number of Followers of the Neighborhood Users ” of SH spanners and ordinary users in graph G.

Return type:

CDF curves

easygraph.functions.drawing.positioning module

easygraph.functions.drawing.positioning.circular_position(G, center=None, scale=1)[source]

Position nodes on a circle, the dimension is 2.

  • G (easygraph.Graph or easygraph.DiGraph) – A position will be assigned to every node in G

  • center (array-like or None, optional (default : None)) – Coordinate pair around which to center the layout

  • scale (number, optional (default : 1)) – Scale factor for positions


pos – A dictionary of positions keyed by node

Return type:


easygraph.functions.drawing.positioning.kamada_kawai_layout(G, dist=None, pos=None, weight='weight', scale=1, center=None, dim=2)[source]

Position nodes using Kamada-Kawai basic-length cost-function.

  • G (graph or list of nodes) – A position will be assigned to every node in G.

  • dist (dict (default=None)) – A two-level dictionary of optimal distances between nodes, indexed by source and destination node. If None, the distance is computed using shortest_path_length().

  • pos (dict or None optional (default=None)) – Initial positions for nodes as a dictionary with node as keys and values as a coordinate list or tuple. If None, then use circular_layout() for dim >= 2 and a linear layout for dim == 1.

  • weight (string or None optional (default='weight')) – The edge attribute that holds the numerical value used for the edge weight. If None, then all edge weights are 1.

  • scale (number (default: 1)) – Scale factor for positions.

  • center (array-like or None) – Coordinate pair around which to center the layout.

  • dim (int) – Dimension of layout.


pos – A dictionary of positions keyed by node

Return type:



>>> pos = eg.kamada_kawai_layout(G)
easygraph.functions.drawing.positioning.random_position(G, center=None, dim=2, random_seed=None)[source]

Returns random position for each node in graph G.

  • G (easygraph.Graph or easygraph.DiGraph) –

  • center (array-like or None, optional (default : None)) – Coordinate pair around which to center the layout

  • dim (int, optional (default : 2)) – Dimension of layout

  • random_seed (int or None, optional (default : None)) – Seed for RandomState instance


pos – A dictionary of positions keyed by node

Return type:


easygraph.functions.drawing.positioning.rescale_position(pos, scale=1)[source]

Returns scaled position array to (-scale, scale) in all axes.

  • pos (numpy array) – positions to be scaled. Each row is a position.

  • scale (number, optional (default : 1)) – The size of the resulting extent in all directions.


pos – scaled positions. Each row is a position.

Return type:

numpy array

easygraph.functions.drawing.positioning.shell_position(G, nlist=None, scale=1, center=None)[source]

Position nodes in concentric circles, the dimension is 2.

  • G (easygraph.Graph or easygraph.DiGraph) –

  • nlist (list of lists or None, optional (default : None)) – List of node lists for each shell.

  • scale (number, optional (default : 1)) – Scale factor for positions.

  • center (array-like or None, optional (default : None)) – Coordinate pair around which to center the layout.


pos – A dictionary of positions keyed by node

Return type:



This algorithm currently only works in two dimensions and does not try to minimize edge crossings.

easygraph.functions.drawing.simulator module

class easygraph.functions.drawing.simulator.Simulator(nums, forces, centers=1, damping_factor=0.999)[source]

Bases: object

simulate(init_position, H, max_iter=400, epsilon=0.001, dt=2.0) None[source]

easygraph.functions.drawing.utils module

easygraph.functions.drawing.utils.draw_circle_edge(ax: Axes, v_coor: List[Tuple[float, float]], v_size: list, e_list: List[Tuple[int, int]], e_color: list, e_fill_color: list, e_line_width: list)[source]
easygraph.functions.drawing.utils.draw_line_edge(ax: Axes, v_coor: array, v_size: list, e_list: List[Tuple[int, int]], show_arrow: bool, e_color: list, e_line_width: list)[source]
easygraph.functions.drawing.utils.draw_vertex(ax: Axes, v_coor: List[Tuple[float, float]], v_label: List[str] | None, font_size: int, font_family: str, v_size: list, v_color: list, v_line_width: list)[source]
easygraph.functions.drawing.utils.edge_list_to_incidence_matrix(num_v: int, e_list: List[tuple]) ndarray[source]
easygraph.functions.drawing.utils.hull_layout(n_v, e_list, pos, v_size, radius_increment=0.3)[source]
easygraph.functions.drawing.utils.init_pos(num_v: int, center: Tuple[float, float] = (0, 0), scale: float = 1.0)[source]
easygraph.functions.drawing.utils.safe_div(a: ndarray, b: ndarray, jitter_scale: float = 1e-06)[source]

Module contents